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Memorial Names







Plaque : Wall 2, Row D, Col 8

Born December 3,1938 in Coquille, Or Graduated from Roseburg High in 1957 Joined the Oregon National Guard, Feb 1956 Went active Duty in Dec 5, 1958. Worked as Internal Missile repairman Assigned to Erlangen, Germany then to fort Sill, Oklahoma then to Kingston, Washington, Air Defense, Niki Missiles for 2 years. Assigned to Mannheim, Germany in 1964 as NCOIC Repair parts Depot, then sent to Fort Hood, Texas for months in 1967 and then to Fort Carson, Colorado in 1968. He was with the 5th Mechanized Infantry Brigade (Augmented). He organized the repair pats supply for the brigade (Approx. 1000 troops). Trained all Trained all personnel, decided what the brigade would need to function in a combat zone for 180 days without support, packed it and shipped it to Vietnam in 168 box car loads and 110 flat car loads, accomplishing this task in less than 90 days. Sent to Vietnam on July 28, 1968 with the 5th Mechanized Infantry. Served at: Dong Ha, Quang tri, L.Z. Sharon, Traveled to various places at the convenience of the government. He had his hair cuts given by the Montenyards until there was death of a unit member. He was sent to Fort Lewis, Washington in August 1969, Honolulu, Hawaii in Nov 1971 then Fort Lee Virginia for 13 months. Was sent to I-Hawk, Doushentaupe, Theran, Iran, August 1974.He was advisor to Shah of Iran in Air Defense Missile System/Computer use Specialist (Trouble Shooter) for 2 years. Sent to Region 8 Fitzsimmons Army Hospital 1976 (Senior Supply Sargent for 13 Western States). Sent to Fort Lewis, Washington Nov 1978(retired from the Army) After retiring from the Military in 1978, he worked in various jobs from The timber industry to being a parts man in a Sour Gas Plant in Evanston, WY.






Bronze Star with Palm Army Commendation Medal Vietnam Service Medal Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal with V device Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm Good Conduct Medal National Defense Medal Meritorious Service Medal Oversea Service Bars (2)

Theatre of Operation


The Patrick W. Kelley VFW Post 2468, of Roseburg, Oregon
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